Fairy Tales & Superheroes

Write your own story

This lesson


1. Where to start writing

Now you have to make a final decision about which Plot type to use. Also, you need to know what kind of story you want to write.

    This could be one of the following:

    • Classic Fairy Tale
    • Reversed Good & Evil Fairy Tale
    • Fractured Fairy Tale
    • Superhero Story
    • Mix of Superhero & Fairy Tale

    Before you make  your choice, make sure you  know enough about the steps you will have to take (see previous lessons!).

    2. creating literary elements

    Every story has literary elements. These include the following:

    Watch the presentation on the right and read Article: Story Elements.

    3. choosing elements & motifs

    With your chosen Plot & Story Type do the following:

    4. applying the stages of your plot

    Go to your workbook to the section ‘My Story’ and do the following: